It's official; Summer has started. I don't care about the piss-poor weather, the distinct lack of beer on beaches and actually being in the vicinity of any of my friends: Set Your Goals' new record has leaked a few weeks before its release, and it's a fucking keeper. Without sounding too fan girl esque, I love every track, especially 'Equals', which is now my ringtone. Obnoxious as fuuuuuck. I'll be honest, I would rather they hadn't given
Hayley Williams of Paramore a 'guest spot' on 'The Few That Remain', seeing as the intrusive, nasal noise she produces on the track can only be described as a rap, but even that monstrosity is growing on me and I can safely say it hasn't lessened the enjoyment of this diamond for me. Frankly, I am sick of hearing (I use 'hearing' loosely as I really mean 'reading' on the internet) that they've 'sold out'. Were they ever a hardcore band? No. Did they have to create a new record that sounded exactly like Mutiny? No. Are they still a hell of a lot of fun to listen to? Yes. Haterz to the left. I'm actually really liking the artwork as well, so much so in fact that I ordered the shirt and cd bundle. Can't wait for them to tour here off the back of this beaut and get my ass to a show.
Also on my mind today, Gone Baby Gone. Bought it from Sainsbury's earlier for £3.99. Essentially, I'm impressed with the brothers Affleck. Casey shows he can act about a thousand times better than Ben in this movie, and Ben shows he's a dab hand at directing. It's all good. Morgan Freeman's alright in it, nothing special, and he isn't a main character for once. Basically my (very subjective) criteria for the constitution of a good film is that a) I don't get bored, and b) I forget I am watching a film for most of the time, and c) I can't predict the entire plot from the fucking start. This film delivered that. Unexpected, bleak but effective ending.
Well done on your impressive review-writing abilities. Ciaran played me some of the Set Your Goals record and I quite liked it, but it is you that has now convinced me to download it. Can you write more blog entries please?
Did you agree with the end of it, or would you have left him with the child?
No, I definitely DEFINITELY think the ending made it. Wouldn't have been anywhere near as good if Doyle kept the child
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